Arapahoe County's 4-H program, which teaches youth hands-on learning and life skills, has long been the 'heart' of the Arapahoe County Fair. Local youth spend months preparing projects and animals for the Fair, where they contend for the judges' nod, prize ribbons and cash premiums.
Discover the terrific handiwork of 4-H home economic and general projects in 270 areas, ranging from woodworking, baking, sewing, photography, cake decorating, and more.
See 4-H youth tending to their rabbits, goats, sheep, poultry and cattle.
Enjoy the many daily 4-H competitions, including livestock shows and more in the Livestock Pavilion.
Show your support on Saturday, July 27 at the
Junior Livestock Auction where 4-H youth will sell quality market animals. Proceeds go to individual members to support their education and to recoup the cost of raising animals.
For 4-H booklet and more information
click here.