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2023 Fair Vendor Application

Thank you for considering Arapahoe County Fair as a part of your vendor schedule in 2023. If you have any questions about the event please reach out to Lexy Kingsbaker at LKingsbaker@arapahoegov.com

Booth Options:
  • Two Day Option:
    • Saturday and Sunday, July 29-30, 2023
  • Four Day Option:
    • Thursday-Sunday, July 27-30, 2023
Booth Prices:
  • Two Day Option:
    • $200 - Non Profit Business (501c3 copy is provided with the application)
    • $250 - Home Based Business - This type of business does not have a store front but is run out of your home
    • $400 - Commercial Business - This business has commercial building where customers can shop or a service is provided
  • Four Day Option:
    • $300 - Non Profit Business (501c3 copy is provided with the application)
    • $350 - Home Based Business - This type of business does not have a store front but is run out of your home
    • $500 - Commercial Business - This business has commercial building where customers can shop or a service is provided
Booth Hours:
  • Thursday, July 27, 4-8 p.m.
  • Friday, July 28, 4-8 p.m.
  • Saturday, July 29, 11-8 p.m.
  • Sunday, July 30, 11-8 p.m.

**The prices above include a 10x10 exhibitor space

**Please note that all vendors who fill out this application are not guaranteed a spot in the Fair. You will be notified only if your application has been denied.

Contact Information

Company Information

Vendor Booth Options

Two Day Vendor Booth Options
Two Day Non-Profit Vendor Booth
$200 + 3% Convenience Fee upon checkout
Two Day Homebased Business
$300 + 3% Convenience Fee upon checkout
Two Day Commercial Business
$500 + 3% Convenience Fee upon checkout
Additional Space
Every additional 10' of space would be in addition to the length of the space you've already purchased. $100 + 3% Convenience Fee upon checkout
20amp Outlet (standard house outlet)
$200 + 3% Convenience Fee upon checkout for access to a 20amp Outlet (standard house outlet)
Four Day Vendor Booth Options
Four Day Non-Profit Vendor Booth
Four Day Homebased Business
Four Day Commercial Business
Additional Space
Every additional 10' of space would be in addition to the length of the space you've already purchased. $100 + 3% Convenience Fee upon checkout
Upload a picture of your booth below.
All vendors of the Arapahoe County Fair must submit insurance to AHumphries@arapahoegov.com by June 1.

The submitted insurance must include: Commercial General Liability insurance with minimum combined single limits of one million dollars ($1,000,000) each occurrence and one million dollars ($1,000,000) aggregate. The required commercial general liability shall be endorsed to include Arapahoe County as Certificate Holder and name Arapahoe County and its elected officials, officers, employees and agents as additionally insured.

Additionally insured party:
Arapahoe County
25690 E. Quincy Ave. Aurora, CO 80016
Please upload a copy of your insurance below
Vendor Terms and Conditions
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